

  • This is Folio II comprising 190 pages plus covers detailing 1,200 rubber-cored balls (with 950 golf ball illustrations) made between 1898 and 1919; all with a value

    Captain's Edition 2022 ISBN 978-1-7399879-8-5

    This book is a must-have for any golf enthusiast who wants to learn more about vintage golf balls. It contains valuable information about the rubber-cored collectibles, which were popular in the very late 19th and early 20th centuries. 

    Features include Common Ball Name Types, Patterns, Sizes and Weights, Highlights/Time line 

    You are advised to get your hands on this rare gem today!

    The author, Kevin McGimpsey has researched and has now privately published 3 of the 4 intended Folios covering 100 years of golf ball production with 5,225 [Folio 1,550, Folio II 1,200, Folio III 1,175 and Folio IV (so far)1,300] individual golf balls that are explained in detail, what it looks like, what type of cover patterns are associated with it, who made it, the ball's original characteristics, sizes and weights and valued.  

    Folio IV will be published in 2025 


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    ·        EUROPE Internationally Tracked                                                 £9.95

    ·        USA Internationally Tracked                                                         £15.20

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Folio II Front Cover

What People Are Saying About Folio II

“ Your first 2 volumes are nothing short of being a "Mag-nus Opus" contribution to the original body of knowledge for golf ball historians and collectors. Many thanks for the tireless hours you have spent to create these two wonderful reference sources for antique golf collectors.” Wayne Aaron USA

“They are indeed informative and simply fun to peruse.  I periodically revisit them and always find some interesting or new.  My compliments on a superb effort and end product.” Don Custard USA  

“Thank you for sending us copies of Folio II, which I have no doubt will be a very important resource for research and enquiries into rubber-cored golf balls for many years to come. Your research into the history of golf balls has helped us greatly to improve our own knowledge of the golf ball collections we care for. “

Kieran George, Assistant Curator R&A World Golf Museum Scotland

 “I am very impressed. Thank you very much, I have already looked up some of my balls, and found your book has a very good design and layout. I can find most balls quite quickly. Had a job finding the Kite until I looked for Baby and there it is. I do love the book and it is of great importance to the ball collector.” Manfred Schotten Antiques UK

“First let me say, very well done!  Beautiful through out and very informative.  Can’t wait to grab a beer and sit by the fire and read through it!”  Greg Duggan Co-author Signature Golf Balls Collectors Guide 

 Folio II: Rubber-Core Golf Balls
